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名字:Nesticella yui
学名:Nesticella yui
维基百科 Nesticella is a genus of spiders that occurs from Russia to Japan, down to Indonesia and several other islands, including New Guinea. It includes a blind spider, Nesticella marapu. Species[edit] Nesticella aelleni (Brignoli, 1972) (Sri Lanka) Nesticella africana (Hubert, 1970) (Congo) Nesticella apiculata Liu & Li, 2013 (China)[1] Nesticella arcuata Liu & Li, 2013 (China)[1] Nesticella benoiti (Hubert, 1970) (Zimbabwe) Nesticella brevipes (Yaginuma, 1970) (Russia, China, Korea, Japan) Nesticella buicongchieni (Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980) (Vietnam) Nesticella chillagoensis Wunderlich, 1995 (Queensland) Nesticella connectens Wunderlich, 1995 (Malaysia) Nesticella ducke Rodrigues & Buckup, 2007 (Brazil) Nesticella falcata Liu & Li, 2013 (China)[1] Nesticella gracilenta Liu & Li, 2013 (China)[1] Nesticella helenensis (Hubert, 1977) (St. Helena) Nesticella inthanoni (Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980) (Thailand) Nesticella kerzhneri (Marusik, 1987) (Russia) Nesticella machadoi (Hubert, 1971) (Angola) Nesticella marapu Benjamin, 2004 (Indonesia) Nesticella mogera (Yaginuma, 1972) (Azerbaijan, China, Korea, Japan, Hawaii, Fiji; introduced to Germany) Nesticella murici Rodrigues & Buckup, 2007 (Brazil) Nesticella nepalensis (Hubert, 1973) (Nepal) Nesticella odonta (Chen, 1984) (China) Nesticella okinawaensis (Yaginuma, 1979) (Japan) Nesticella proszynskii (Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980) (Java) Nesticella quelpartensis (Paik & Namkung, 1969) (Korea) Nesticella renata (Bourne, 1980) (New Ireland) Nesticella robinsoni Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980 (New Guinea) Nesticella sechellana (Simon, 1898) (Seychelles) Nesticella semicircularis Liu & Li, 2013 (China)[1] Nesticella shanlinensis Liu & Li, 2013 (China)[1] Nesticella sogi Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980 (New Guinea) Nesticella songi Chen & Zhu, 2004 (China) Nesticella taiwan Tso & Yoshida, 2000 (Taiwan) Nesticella taurama Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980 (New Guinea) Nesticella utuensis (Bourne, 1980) (New Ireland) Nesticella verticalis Liu & Li, 2013 (China)[1] Nesticella yui Wunderlich & Song, 1995 (China)